Antonio Giolitti (Rome 1915); Italian politician. Grandson of Giovanni Giolitti; Antonio came in contact in 1940 with l ? communist organization. In 1941 he was arrested by the police fascist and submitted to the special Court; than but he acquitted it for insufficiency of tests. Resumption l ? clandestine activity; in the spring of 1943 Antonio Giolitti; for assignment of the Communist Party; enters in contact with numerous military and political personalities; in order to realize ? an understanding in order to pull down the fascist regime. 8 L ? september of the 1943 Giolitti with Giancarlo Pajetta; Ludovico Geymonat and Pompeo Colajanni organizes to Barge; in the Cuneese the first nucleus partisan of the future brigades d ? Garibaldi assault of the Piemonte. In the september of 1944; he was political commissioner of 1the Garibaldi Division of the Valleys of Lanzo; Giolitti in that year seriously was hurt in combat. Transported in France for being to you cured; it succeeds to only return in Italy to the Liberation. In the post-war period political activity was dedicated quickly all ?: he was undersecretary to the Foreign countries in the Parri government; communist deputy to the Constituent; which elected to the Room in the list of the Pci in 1948 and in 1953; in 1957 it left the Communist Party joining the PSI. Antonio Giolitti was uninterruptedly deputy until 1985; He covered the charge of minister of the Budget in the first government Moor and took part of the third Rumor Cabinet and the government Columbus. He was for four years; member of the executive Commission of the EEC to Brussels. In 1987; he approached again themselves to the Pci; and was elected senator; like independent of left. At the end of the legislature parliamentarian has withdrawn itself from the life.

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