ALARICO (370-410) king of the Visigoti from the 396 of the stirpe of the Balti; federati of the roman Empire. To the dead women of Theodosius I; it maintained the charge but since the guide of the Empire passed to the sons of Teodosio Arcadio (Empire of East) and Onorio (Empire of the West) and since it to the commando of the imperial legions inhaled; remaining to the commando of the Visigoti rinneg?the fidelity to Rome. Defeats from Stilicone to Pollenza (402) and Verona (403); the Visigoti had to be withdrawn to beyond the Alps. Reconstituted its forces in Illiria; Alarico in the 408 returned in Italy; and after vain attempts of negotiations with Onorio it was left over on Rome. 24 August 410 got hold of the city that was abandoned for three days to the pillage of the truppe. From Rome Alarico it was pushed fastly through southern Italy towards Messina; in the hope to conquer the Sicily and Africa. Era directed to Reggio when it died suddenly. Computergrafica reconstruction der tilievo of a portrait on currency; 2009

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