FRIAR Hail Mary (Cesar Pisano 1900-1964) sculpture mails outside of the Eremo di Sant'Alberto di Butrio. Of ancient medioevale history the Eremo was ripopolato in 1921 from don Orione that placed you the Hermits of the Divine Providence from he founded in 1899. These are still anticipate and lead a life of Franciscan semplicit?and prayer. Between they a friar had a sure rinomanza; saying Friar Hail Mary that lived in this place for approximately quarant ? years from 1923 to 1964 leading an extraordinary life for holiness; prayer and penance. Been born to Pogli di Ortovero (Savona) in 1900; to twelve years perdette the sight for a gunshot shot to it to the face. Twenty-year-old person was received by Don Orione in its institutes and then all ? Eremo; where it grew in holiness reputation and where much people accorreva in order to hear it and in order to see it. January of 1964 died all ? hospital of Voghera 21. Now its remains rest in a small encode dell ? Eremo and are goal of pilgrims and devout people. Currently he is venerable person waiting for beatification. Photography of Fat Giuliano. Fat photography of G.

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