Castle Visconti Venosta di Grosio. Its construction goes back to the second half of the 14th century for will of the Viscounts of Milan; it is one of the little Valtellinesi castles saved from the destructions carried out from the Grigioni. The strategic position allowed with the Viscounts to conquer the County of Bormio in 1376 Is from this episode of the history that the fortress takes the name of "Castle Visconti Venosta". Main characteristic of the castle is the double town-walls building; considered a kind of shelter for the population in case of danger; in the course of the years however has advanced the hypothesis that the double recinzione was used for the positioning of retractable scales according to the necessity. Currently to its inside archaeological diggings are on that have carried to the discovery of a takeover pre-exist going back to the age of the iron. Photography and. Small; 2004

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