The tiny little house (six rooms) on Oplenac Hill; city of Topola; was originally built in 1910 by architect Kosta J. Jovanovic to serve as a contemporary structure during the building of opposite standing St George Church and Mausoleum of the Karadordevic dynasty. But when finished; King Peter I (Petar I) took over the building immediately to supervise the construction works of the nearby church and to stay here most of his time; until 1915. In 1915; when Petar I went with his army to Albanian mountains and to the Salonika front; his son and son Regent Alexander I; later King Alexander I; moved in and established here a second place of his headqaurters; which were mainly based in Kragujevac. Due to the burial sites of King Peter i and King Alexander I in the St George`s Church on Oplenac Hill; the house became a famous visitor attraction and was changed into an art gallery and museum; after Wordl War II. Today; it shows items and art dedicated to the Karadordevic family. it also shows portraits of the rulers and the original telgram sent by the Austro-Hungarian Foreign ministry to the Government of Serbia on the eve of the outbreak of World War I (1914).

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