Ye Mingchen (simplified Chinese: ???; traditional Chinese: ???; pinyin: Y?M韓gchen; Wade-Giles: Yeh Ming-ch'en) was a high-ranking Chinese official during the Qing Dynasty; known for his resistance to British influence in Guangzhou in the aftermath of the First Opium War.

In 1848; Ye was appointed governor of Guangdong province; which brought him into open conflict with Britain because of his refusal to allow British traders to reside in the city of Guangzhou proper; which the British claimed they had a right to according to the Treaty of Nanking. As a matter of fact; the treaty read differently in its English and Chinese versions; the latter only permitting foreigners to reside temporarily in the harbors of the newly opened treaty ports.

As a reward for his ostensible success in keeping the British out of Guangzhou; he was promoted to Viceroy of Liangguang as well as imperial commissioner in 1852; which made him the chief official in charge of relations with the West. Ye Mingchen remained steadfastly opposed to yielding to British demands; but he was not able to resist the British with military force. The conflict with the British Empire came to a head in 1856; when Ye seized the Chinese-owned lorcha Arrow; which was illegally flying the British flag at the time.

This provided the British and French with an excuse to start the Second Opium War. During the hostilities; British forces captured Ye and brought him as a prisoner of war to Calcutta in British India where he died of fasting. Pictures From History

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