Born in 1901 in an ancient city; Shaoxing; Zhejiang Province; Mr. Pai-chuan Tao graduated with dual degrees in literature and law from the University of Law; Shanghai. In 1934; he went to Harvard University to study law and politics.

Following his return to China he published several dozen books on law; political system and international politics that introduced new ideas and significantly contributed to the evolution of China's own political institutions. Additionally; Mr. Tao served on various positions in the government and Kuomintang (the Nationalist Party). Mr. Tao was widely respected and served four consecutive terms on the National Council prior to the National Government selecting him as a member of the Council during the Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945).

In 1946; following the conclusion of WWII; Mr. Tao resigned from the National Council and became a member of Shanghai Municipal Assembly. In 1947; he was selected as a member of the Control Yuan of the National Government. In 1977; Mr. Tao resigned from the Control Yuan and was appointed 'Presidential Advisor on National Policy. He died in 2002. Pictures From History

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