Aerostatic flight / Montgolfi鑢eIn 1783 the Montgolfier brothers conducted the first aerostatic flight in history at Versailles.(19 September 1783 : Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier launched a balloon inflated by hot air from a fire of wool and wet straw. The demonstration was made in front of the king at Versailles. The balloon measured 18.47 metres high and 13.28 metres wide and weighed 400 kg. It was called Le Reveillon; the name of his friend Jean-Baptiste Reveillon; director of the royal wallpaper factory; which had made a d閏or with an azure blue ground featuring the king's monogram - two entwined L's - and various ornamental motifs; all of them gilded.The demonstration took place in the ch鈚eau's crowded forecourt with Louis XVI and the royal family in attendance. When a canon boomed at one o'clock; a sheep; a duck and a rooster were put into a round wicker basket hanging from the balloon by a rope. Eleven minutes later the cannon boomed again; signalling that the balloon was ready to take off. It rose 500 metres up into the air to the astounded audience's cheers. Damaged by a tear; it slowly descended eight minutes later after travelling 3.5 kilometres; landing at the carrefour Mar閏hal in the bois de Vaucresson. Pil鈚re de Rozier; a physicist and future aeronaut; gathered the animals. They were alive).3D reconstruction of a human inhabited flight of the Montgolfi鑢e over the Versailles Castle in 1783.

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