Ieng Sary (born October 24; 1924) was a powerful figure in the Khmer Rouge. He was the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Democratic Kampuchea from 1975 to 1979 and held several senior positions in the Khmer Rouge until his defection to the government in 1996. Of Khmer ancestry on his father's side; and Chinese ancestry on his mother's; Ieng Sary was born in Chau Thanh; Tra Vinh province; southern Vietnam. Sary changed his name from the Vietnamese Kim Trang when he joined the Khmer Rouge. Ieng Sary was arrested on November 12; 2007 in Phnom Penh on an arrest warrant from the Cambodia Tribunal for war crimes and crimes against humanity. His wife; Ieng Thirith; was also arrested for crimes against humanity. On 16 December 2009; the tribunal officially charged him with genocide for his involvement with the subjugation and murder of Vietnamese and Muslim minorities in Cambodia.

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