The Afridi is a Karlani Pashtun tribe present in Pakistan; with substantial numbers in Afghanistan. The Afridis are most dominant in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas; inhabiting about 1;000 square miles (3;000 km? of rough hilly area in the eastern Spin Ghar range west of Peshawar; covering most of Khyber Agency; FR Peshawar and FR Kohat.

The Afridis are historically known for the strategic location they inhabit; and for belligerence against outside forces; battling the Mughal dynasty's armies throughout Mughal rule. Their later clashes against British expeditions comprised the most savage fighting of the Anglo-Afghan Wars. After independence; Afridi tribesmen also helped attack Jammu and Kashmir for Pakistan during the Indo-Pakistani war of 1947. Today; Afridis make use of their dominant social position in FATA and areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa by controlling transport and various businesses; including trade in arms; munitions; and other goods. Pictures From History

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