Takenouchi no Sukune (????) or Takeshiuchi no Sukune was a legendary Japanese hero-statesman; and is a Shinto kami.

Takenouchi no Sukune was supposedly the son of Princess Kagehime; and is said to be grandson to Imperial Prince Hikofut骴himakoto no Mikoto. Also descended from Emperor Kogen; Takenouchi no Sukune served under five legendary emperors; Emperor Keiko; Emperor Seimu; Emperor Chuai; Emperor Ojin; and Emperor Nintoku; but was perhaps best known for his service as Grand Minister to the Regent Jingu; with whom he supposedly invaded Korea. While Jingu was regent to her son; Ojin; Takenouchi was accused of treason.

In addition to his martial services to these emperors; he was reputedly also a saniwa; or spirit medium.

Twenty-eight Japanese clans are said to be descended from Takenouchi no Sukune; including Takeuchi and Soga. He is a legendary figure; and is said to have drunk daily from a sacred well; and this helped him to live to be 280 years old. Further; he is enshrined as a Kami at the Ube shrine; in the Iwami district of the Tottori Prefecture and at local Hachiman shrines. His portrait has also appeared on the Japanese yen; and dolls of him are popular Children's Day gifts. Pictures From History

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