Behaeddin Shakir or Bahaeddin Shakir was a founding member of the Committee of Union and Progress (CUP). At the end of World War I; he was detained with other members of the CUP; first by the local Ottoman court martial and then by the British government. He was then sent to Malta pending military trials for crimes against humanity; which never materialized; and was subsequently exchanged by the British for hostages held by Turkish forces.

In the autumn of 1919; the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF); part of the Armenian national liberation movement; ruled to punish the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide. Under Operation Nemesis; Aram Yerganian and Arshavir Shirakian were given the task to assassinate both Cemal Azmi and Bahaeddin Shakir who were in Berlin.

On April 17; 1922; Shirakian and Yerganian encountered Azmi and Sakir who were walking with their families at the Uhlandstrasse street. Shirakian managed to kill only Azmi and wound Shakir. Yerganian immediately ran after Sakir and killed him with a shot to his head. The assassins were never detained. Pictures From History

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