Heungseon Daewongun (?????; 1820-1898) or The Daewongun (???); Guktaegong (???; 鈥楾he Great Archduke'); also known to period western diplomats as Prince Gung; was the title of Li Ha-eung; regent of Joseon during the minority of King Gojong in the 1860s and until his death a key political figure of late Joseon Korea.

Daewongun literally translates as 'prince of the great court'; a title customarily granted to the father of the reigning monarch when that father did not reign himself (usually because his son had been adopted as heir of a relative who did reign). While there had been three other Daewongun during the Joseon Dynasty; so dominant a place did Yi Ha-eung have in the history of the late Joseon dynasty that the term Daewongun usually refers specifically to him.

The Daewongun is remembered for the wide-ranging reforms he attempted during his regency; as well as for his vigorous enforcement of the seclusion policy; persecution of Christians; and the killing or driving off of foreigners who landed on Korean soil. Pictures From History

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