PUZZLE The game's story begins in 1760 thanks to John Spilsbury; a London mapmaker source. His first created it on a piece of wood strong and the subject was to teach the geographical boundaries of countries; Spilsbury cut them around the edges of each nation with the help of a hacksaw. The result was a teaching aid. Towards the end of the eighteenth century; was given space for lighter and fun topics that dominated the growing production of the puzzles in the nineteenth century; subjects such as nursery rhymes; fairy tales; animals; were more successful with children. He also began to use plywood; cardboard puzzles came on the market until the late nineteenth century. At the beginning of the twentieth century; the puzzles became a pastime for adults. There was an initial boom in sales of puzzles between 1908 and 1909; but the term "climax" to the production of the puzzle was from 1920 to 1930; in Britain and the USA. The latest progress in the manufacture of the game was the "die-cut jigsaw puzzle" of cardboard and cut in series with a mold; as well as those currently on the market are designed. Cover shows a box containing a jigsaw puzzle; the nineteenth century

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