Abdul Hamid II (Ottoman Turkish: ??? ?????? ????; `Abd?l-?amid-i s鈔? Turkish: Ikinci Abd黮hamit; 22 September 1842 - 10 February 1918) was the 34th Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the last Sultan to exert effective autocratic control over the fracturing state. He oversaw a period of decline in the power and extent of the Empire; including widespread pogroms and government massacres against the minorities of the Empire (named the Hamidian massacres after him) as well as an assassination attempt; ruling from 31 August 1876 until he was deposed shortly after the 1908 Young Turk Revolution; on 27 April 1909. He was succeeded by his brother Mehmed V.

Despite his conservatism and belief in absolute monarchy; Abdul Hamid was responsible for some modest modernization of the Ottoman Empire during his long reign; including reform of the bureaucracy; the ambitious Hijaz Railway project; the establishment of a system for population registration and control over the press; and the founding of the first modern law school in 1898.

Often known as the Red Sultan or Abdul the Damned due to the atrocities committed against the Empire's minorities under his rule and use of a secret police to silence dissent; Abdul Hamid became more reclusive toward the end of his reign; his worsening paranoia about perceived threats to his personal power and his life leading him to shun public appearances. Pictures From History

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