Torii Kiyonaga (?? ??; 1752 - June 28; 1815) was a Japanese ukiyo-e printmaker and painter of the Torii school. Originally Sekiguchi Shinsuke; the son of an Edo bookseller; he took on Torii Kiyonaga as an art-name (go). Although not biologically related to the Torii family; he became head of the group after the death of his adoptive father and teacher Torii Kiyomitsu.

The master Kiyomitsu died in 1785; since his son died young; and Kiyotsune; Kiyonaga's senior; was a less promising artist; Kiyonaga was the obvious choice to succeed Kiyomitsu to leadership of the Torii school. However; he delayed this for two years; likely devoting time to his bijinga (portraits of beautiful women) and realizing the immense responsibility that would fall on his shoulders once he took over the school. Thus; in 1787; he began organizing the production of kabuki signboards and the like; which the school held a near monopoly on. He also began to train Kiyomitsu's grandson; Torii Kiyomine; who was to succeed him.

Kiyonaga is considered one of the great masters of the full-color print (nishiki-e) and of bijinga; images of courtesans and other beautiful women. Like most ukiyo-e artists; however; he also produced a number of prints and paintings depicting Kabuki actors and related subjects; many of them promotional materials for the theaters. He also produced a number of shunga; or erotic images. Pictures From History

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