Damarwulan is a Javanese legendary hero who appears in a cycle of stories used in the performance of wayang klitik; as well as Langendriya (female dance-opera) and ketoprak (popular theater). These stories tell of the struggles between the Majapahit and Blambangan kingdoms; in which Damarwulan gains honor. The stories are especially popular in East Java.

The Damarwulan legend is associated with the Majapahit court at the time of the queen Suhita; at which time there was a war with Blambangan. However; the names of the characters Damar Wulan (;radiance of the moon') and Menak Jingga ('red knight') suggest that it may incorporate elements of an older sun-moon myth. It is uncertain when the story was first recorded and by whom.

The Javanese script; natively known as Hanacaraka); Carakan; or Aksara Jawa; is a pre-colonial script used to write Javanese and several other native languages of Indonesia. It is closely related to the Balinese script. Pictures From History

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