John the Baptist GIUFFR?portrait along with a priest. In 1958 he was involved in a financial scandal remembered as one of 'God's banker'. The former bank Imola organized a scam based on the Ponzi scheme; the fundraising scheme pyramid that deceives investors by promising high interest; honoring the commitments initially; you gain the confidence of investors that so involving as many acquaintances as possible. Because there is no real investment; the system autoconsuma; and it fails when the collection is no longer able to satisfy the claim of the investor. Begun by the countryside of Romagna; the scam was expanded to claim victims in the ecclesiastical and political environment; and the clamor of the case Giuffre helped to introduce in Italy; in the years following; a more severe regulations on the collection of savings. Was also involved in the scandal; the Ministry of Finance in the persons of Luigi Preti and Giulio Andreotti. Italy 1958

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