Saint Romolo Bishop of the Diocese of Genoa; patron of Sanremo; lived probably around the VII-VIII century. Immaginetta XIX century. Festivity 6 November Second the sanremese local tradition; Romolo received education in the territory of Matuciana Villa (ancient name of Sanremo; deriving from that of a roman divinity; Mater Matuta; goddess dell' Dawn) was elected bishop of Genoa and afterwards in order to escape to the invaders longobardi it was withdrawn in tightened penance nell' entroterra to the feet of Monte Bignone in a cove it dictates then bauma (become pilgrimage place) where it died During l' High Middle Ages many stories of prodigiosi facts attributed to Saint Romolo were disseminated; approximately the defense of the territory from the foreign invaders; for this the Saint were venerated like special patron of Matuciana Villa From century XI the locality changed the name with its: Sanromolo becoming then towards XV sec. Sanremo probably for the dialectal contraction from Liguria "Sanromu

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