LAFAYETTE Marie-Joseph marquis of Lafayette (1757-1834). Nobleman and French soldier; participated or to the war of American Independence to the flank of Washington; or to the French Revolution. The next day of the taken one of the Bastille commander of the National Guard was named; he exercised its infuence in the attempt to orient the revolution in monarchic sense - constitutional. In the July the 1791 Fayette ordered to open the fire on the crowd that wondered the abolition of the monarchy. In the commotion they died approximately 50 people and the episode; remembered as the slaughter of the Mars Field; consequently had the breach between the moderate patriots and the people Parisian. Bailly; mayor of Paris and the Fayette; faithfuls to the king; followed from the majority of the deputies; exited from the club of the Giacobini in order to found the Club of the Foglianti. Considered a traitor; it left the country in Belgium and it was arrested by the Austrians. Napoleon in 1797 made it to free and the Fayette returned in France and returned to take care of politics. Recording 18th century.

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