Commonwealth Conference in London The Commonwealth Economic conference , in which nine Commonwealth countries , including the United Kingdom , are taking part , opened in the cabinet room at No 10 Downing Street , London . It is the fourth meeting of Empire Premieres since the war ended . The conference will consider ambitious plans for economic expansion and is probaly a prelude to talks with European countries and the new Americans Administration . Matters to be discussed include the balance of payments situation and review of internal measures taken by each country , also review of plans to develop Commonwealth resources which will increase the power to earn foreign currencies and of resources for financing this development . The heads of the Empire delegations , back ro left to right , M . Havenga ( South Africa ) , Mr Senanayake ( Ceylon ) , Sir C Deshmukh ( India ) Front row Left to right Mr Holland ( New Zealand ) , Mr St Laurent ( Canada ) , Mr Churchill ( United Kingdom ) Mr Menzies ( Australia ) and Mr Nazimuddin ( Pakistan ) 27th November 1952

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