He is the '100%' husband. Mr Eustace, Crick, of Melrose Avenue Cricklewood, London, yesterday heard himself publicly described as the 'one hundred percent' husband. Mr and Mrs Crick won the first prize at Willisden's Flitah Trial , having proved to the judge and jury that they have not had a cross word for the past year and a day. The prize was a rasher of bacon. He said that it was perfectly true that he buys his wife's clothes, hats and shoes, does the washing, part of the shopping, never goes out without her, gives her all his money, and buys flowers every Friday. Mr Crick described his wife as 'the woman I have always dreamt about'. He said neighbours look on them as a model power and call them the lovebirds. Mr and Mrs Crick have two children. Photo shows, Mr and Mrs Crick , photographed in the garden of their home in Melrose Avenue, this afternoon (Sunday), with their two children, Brian and Angela. 21 September 1947

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