A new picture of the Rt Hon. Clement Davies, KC, NT, Liberal MP for Montgomery, and leader of the Parliamentary Liberal party. Born in 1884, youngest son of a large family, Clement Davies matriculated at a very early age and with help from his brothers went up to Cambridge, where he took first-class honours in the law Tripos. After passing a year as a law lecturer at Aberystwyth University, he was, in 1909 called to the bar at Lincoln's Inn after which followed a distinguished legal career. He took silk in 1926 and continued his work amongst the leaders of the bar. His entry into the political field came 3 years later when Montgomery representative David Davies went to the House of Lords. Clement Davies has represented the constituency ever since. After the socialist triumph at the polling in 1945 Clement Davies was chosen to lead the small band remaining liberals, which Tarski performed vigourously. His ability was further recognise on the 1st of January of this year when he was made a member of his Majesty's privy Council. 1 April 1947

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