Donald Wolfit , actor-manager , has been asked by the benchers of the Middle Temple to produce Shakespeare's Twelfth Night in their famous Hall . The play was acted there by the Lord Chamberlain's Men , Shakespeare 's own company of players on Candlemas Day 2 February , 1601 and although this may not be the very first performance , it must certainly be one of the earliest . Her Majesty the Queen will attend the performance on Friday evening and music of the period will be provided for the play by the Dolmetsch Family . Photo shows: Re-enacting a scene from the court of Count Orsino in Twelfth Night during rehearsal in Middle Temple showing the effect of the stained glass windows and also portraits of Queen Elizabeth and George I . Sitting in chair is Raymond Young ( Orsino ) , Rosalind Iden , kneeling ( Viola ) , and Josephine Wilson as Olivia . Donald Wolfit is seen directing . 21 January 1951

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