Mrs Mary Lasker (left), of The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation, stands with 8 of the 9 physicians from the United States, India and France who were named, winners of the 1957 Albert Lasker Awards for Outstanding Medical Research and Public Health Achievements. Left to right: Dr Rustom Jal Vakil, of King Edward Memorial Hospital, Bombay, India; Dr Nathan S. Kline, Director of Research, Rockland State Hospital, New York; Dr Robert H. Noce, Director of Clinical Services, Modesto State Hospital, California; Dr Henri Laborit, of the hospital Du Val De Grace, Paris; Dr Heinz E. Lehman, Clinical Director, Verdun Protestant hospital, Montr嶧l; Dr Richard E. Shope, The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York; and Dr Frank G. Boudreau, Director, Milbank Memorial Fund, New York. A 9th winner, Dr C. J. Van Slyke, of the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, is not shown in this photograph. He did not attend the ceremony. 7 November 1957

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