Joan Baez, the Jean d'Arc of Unites States... has arrived in Italy with her guitar around her neck in search of some peace and rest, also to compose something new, whilst her husband is still in prison in USA, as he refused to join the army military service duty. Joan Baez has given a press conference in Rome, at the hotel where she is staying and a cocktail for some Italian students and friends, she has exposed once more her opinions against war, and against any form of violence, insisting on the fact that life must be based only on love. And when she sings, she does it not for her own gain, all her money goes for charity, goes into organisations in USA who defend love rights against war and violence rights. Last week passing by New York she kissed a negro man at the airport as a sign of love between whites and negros. Following the institutions of Martin Luther King, the diet of obstination of Gandhi, she directs her life in flight against the rules of any form of violence, and she has created in Carmen Valley in California the Institute of research against violence which is a school now counting more than 12,500 young people in USA. Her songs tell about peace, but mostly about love, not the love between a man and a woman, but the love of people of all kinds for a better world. She was offered the chance when in Italy to sing at La Bussola of Viareggio. She has refused so far and she wants to isolate herself with students to compose new songs and to protest in this country so as her voice could be heard all over Europe, hoping in the young people of this continent to be understood as she is understood by a great growing number of people in her own country and all Americas. Photo shows the famous author and singer of Angelina posing whilst being translated into Italian by an interpretor as she was talking to journalists We asked her if she hopes her husband will soon be out of prison and she said that his ideals go along with hers and that he would never join the

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