Lewis Brown and his twin brother Harry have astonished the tutors of the Royal Military School of Music at Kneller Hall in Twickenham with their achievement - the twins are aged 26 and have just been appointed bandmasters to regiments now serving in India - in spite of their youth the twins have accomplished the greatest promotion leap possible in the British Army - as bandmasters they will be ranked as warrant officers class one ( a promotion that would take normally between 18 and 20 years' service ) - the twins began their army career when they were sent by their widowed mother ( who is now living in Chelsea ) to the Royal Hibernian Military School at Dublin - they later enlisted in the same regiment and then became students at Kneller Hall - Lewis then won a scholarship at the Royal Academy of Music and Harry won a similar scholarship at the Royal College of Music - now on the same day and at the same hour came their appointment as bandmasters - photo shows Harry Brown ( left ) and Lewis Brown - a picture which shows their remarkable resemblance January 31st 1935

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