Closely guarded by detectives relatives of the late Isidor Fisch - the man from whom Bruno Hauptmann declares he obtained the Lindbergh ransom money money - are on their way to Flamington where they are to attempt to clear Flach's name of the accusation - in his evidence given at Flemington Hauptman told the story of how he came into possession of the money - he said the night before his friend Fisch left to return to Germany he gave him a little box - it was from this box he declared that he obtained the money which he afterwards spent - photo shows left to right Hannah Fisch ( sister of Ishlar Fish ) Mrs Finaus Flash ( wife of Isidor's brother ) Finous Flash ( Isidor's brother ) photographed as they left their hotel in Coney Island New York - in the background is Minna Steinitz ( 42 year old nurse who attended Fisch up to the time of his death ) and the bodyguard of detectives January 25th 1935

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