After being delayed at Shannon for 3 1/2 hours by mechanical trouble, a specially chartered 'Skymaster' airliner from California and New York landed at Northolt Airport sunday evening after erossing the Atlantic with 82 people on board - the largest number ever to make the crossing in a commercial land 'plane'. Brittish G.I. brides and their children comprised the 76 passengers - 49 adults, 15 children and 12 infants - and cradles were slung from the roof of the fuselage for thebabies to sleep in during the journey. The children were being brought over to meet their grandparents for the first time. Two of the mothers, one with two infants and a 3-year-old child, left the aircraft at Shannon; they were Irish girls who married American soldiers durng the war. The aircraft, known as 'The War Brides Special', was chartered by the Britannia Club of Oakland, California, and, beacause of the number of infants aboard, the trip was nicknamed ' Operation Bib and Nappy'. PIcture shows: Mrs. Clontz and her 18-months-old twins, who were among the party. Aug. 28th 1949

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