London: actor, John Castle and Actress Gwen Nelson are shown in a scene from Edward Bond's controversial play, "Saved" which is currently in the repertoire of London's Royal Court theatre, Sloane Square. A promiscuous girl from the kind of home indicated (and indicted) in her mother's (Miss Nelson) line, "I Don't Mind What Goes On So Long As You Keep The Noise Down", finds herself with a superfluous baby. She credits with its fatherhood a brutal lout who disowns it. One night in a frenzy of sadism, the lout and his adolescent associates stone the child to death in its perambulator. The grandmother of the child says of her daughter Pam's very easygoing for a nice girl"! It is a grim line for on the first night, one or two people left the theatre after the baby stoning episode; other did not return after the interval. William Gaskill directs this bestial piece. 17 December 1965

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