Paul-Albert Besnard (June 2, 1849 - December 4, 1934 ) was a French painter, born in Paris and studied at the 丱ole des Beaux-Arts. He won the Prix de Rome in 1874 with the painting Death of Timophanes. From 1880 he devoted himself to the study of colour and light as conceived by the impressionists. ross in an entirely modern spirit. He achieved brilliant successes alike in watercolour, pastel, oil and etching, both in portraiture, in landscape and in decoration. In 1912, he became a member of the French Acad幦ie des Beaux-Arts and became director of the 丱ole des Beaux Arts in 1922. In 1924 he was member of the Acad幦ie fran蓷ise. He was represented in the official exhibition of French art held in the United States in 1919-20 and an important exhibition of his works was shown in different cities of the United States in 1924. 固opFoto

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