Illegal immigrants bound for Palestine. Fifty-eight of the 63 immigrant ships that sailed clandestinely for Palestine between April 1945 and January 1948 were intercepted by the British. A Hagana poster affirming the immigrants' determination to reach Palestine. This picture shows an illegal immigrant whose ship has been intercepted by Mandatory forces. She is being interrogated by British soldiers. "They are coming. Driven by suffering they have taken the one way of light for Jews in this world - the road to Israel. The world and the nations' hearts are closed to them. Only one hope exists - homeland. Only one heart is open - that of the Yishuv, the heart of brothers. Cruel laws will not stop them, barbed wire will not frighten nor bayonets deter them; if denied, their spirits will not break. They come and will continue to come to their homeland, the Land of Israel - from a Hagana poster." 固opFoto

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