Britain's displaced persons crowded on gun-site. 200 share one bath. Ministry of Health officials are to be asked to investigate the plight of forty evicted families now living on a disused gunsite at Danson Park, Welling, Kent, in conditions said to be hardly as bearable as some European D.P. camps. Cooking and washing are on a communal basis, while the 200 people on the site have only one bath which they can use only three days a week. Many of the huts are damp, while occupants complain of leaky, draughty roofs. In one of these huts is a six-year-old boy recovering from pneumonia. There is at least one tuberculosis sufferer on the site. Other occupants include ex-Servicemen. Photo shows Mrs. Elsie Jones feeding her 8-months-old son, Jerry, beside a coke combustion stove in the one room allotted her family. The baby's washing hangs above her. Tenants complain the coke fumes are bad for the children. Mrs. Jones' husband, Stanley, is a baker's roundsman and an ex-naval man. He pays 15 shillings a week rent, with free electric light and one 28 pound bag of coke. They have been waiting two years for a house. - 27th January 1948. 固opFoto

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