John Edward Redmond (1856-1918), Irish politician, Parnell's successor as leader of the Nationalist Party 1890-1916. The 1910 elections saw him holding the balance of power in the House of Commons, and he secured the introduction of a Home Rule Bill, which was opposed by protestant Ulster. Redmond supported the British cause on the outbreak of World War I, and the bill was passed although its operation was suspended until the war's end. The growth of the nationalist party Sinn Fein (the political wing of the Irish Republican Army) and the 1916 Easter Rising ended his hopes and his power. Picture entitled THE OTHER PROTAGONIST IN THE HOME RULE STRUGGLE: MR JOHN REDMOND MP (A character study by Arthur Garratt) - Mr Bonar Law had his say on the Home Rule crisis at Belfast on Tuesday. On Thursday the scene was changed to the House of Commons, where the Irish Home Rule Bill was introduced, bringing Mr John Redmond into prominence. The Bill will be considered by an Irish National Convention in a fortnight's time.

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