Ornament of the Chasuble at Sens - another of the vestments preserved in the Cathedral of Sens, and said to have been worn by Thomas Becket, archbishop of Canterbury. It is represented at Becket's Chasuble, and the character of the design with which it was adorned can leave no doubt of its having been made in the twelfth century. The part exhibited in this plate is all that now remains of the elegant scroll work on the back of this chasuble. The gold-lace borders, edged with green, which formed the boundaries to the different patterns on the other prts is left, but the ornaments themselves have disappeared, leaving only the brown lining on which they had been worked. A few of the smaller scrolls on the front still remain,. The opening between these small scrolls was the place through which the officiating ecclesiastic passed his head when he dressed himself in his full robes. In the 12th century the dresses of the higher ecclesiastics were exceedingly sumptuous; and the magnificence and ostentation of Thomas Becket were proverbial.

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