Figures of ecclesiastics - from the sculptures of the Cathedral of Chartres. These are interesting sculptures of the portals, which, beside their excellence as works of art, are extremely valuable as specimens of the costume, etc, of the period. It is from these statues that we have taken the three figures of ecclesiastics represented on our plate. The first of these figures represents an archbishop, and is singular on account of the form given to the mitre. The archbishop is giving his blessing with his right hand, whilst in his other hand he holds the crosier, the greater part of which is destroyed. The second figure is dressed as a deacon. He wears the dalmatic, with its large sleeves, which are not cut up the sides, but continuous. On his left arm he wears the maniple, sometimes called fanon. As it is his ministry to chaunt the gospel, he carries a beautifully bound evangelisterium in his hands. The two ends of the stole are seen under the dalmatic, and just over the alb. The third figure is a mere priest, holding the book of the Gospels on his breast; he wears the chasuble, stole, and alb.

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