A Sunday morning's work in an almost deserted steel works in Sheffield means to 58 year old George Goodwin nearly 5,000 treads with his bare feet onto carefully mixed clay. After he has made the mixture, from a secret formula handed down through generations of steelmakers for 200 years,he puddles it in a ring of furnace ash, and then, when it is of the right consistency, removes his trousers and shirt, his shoes and socks, and starts a methodical tramp. Eleven rows, 400 treads a row he reckons to take before, from the feel of the stuff under his hard-yet-sensitive toes, he knows it's done - meaning that not a single bubble of air remains trapped in it. Then he can begin the job of carefully weighing the mixture and shaping it, with the aid of moulds, presses, shapers and his hands, into the crucibles into which, during the war his fellow workers - there are less than fifty employed by Huntsman's - pour the molten hand made steel which fetches prices a hundred times greater than furnace made steel. Why not use the hands? Because that's not the right way to do the job ..... says George in his broad Yorkshire accent. And he should know because he's been doing it for 48 years now. The steel made in the vase-like crucibles is in demand all over the world. Precision instrument makers use it, money makers Mints use it for coating and the dies for coinage. Nails and screw makers use it for making their original moulds and dies. Every rivet in the Queen liners owes itself originally to a Huntman steel die. Most workers are descendents of Hutnsman employees. All share in the firm's bonus system. Goodwin's pots must be faultless - or a crack would cause injury to a workmate. When Huntsman's have finished with one, other works snap them up. Average day's work for George (Sundays only) is fifty pots - and this means expenditure of energy equivalent to lifting 50 tonnes.

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