It was Cologne on 6th March 1945. In the shadow of the cathedral the first American tank to enter the City had paused beneath a broken clock. The crew was thirsty, sweaty, tired. Cameraman Fred Ramage, sitting on the tank, decided to search for a bottle of cognac. "Bring us some," shouted the tank men. Ramage jumped down. Then ... he says : "There was an ominous silence. I saw a German tank with a black swastika on it approach from a side road. It was too late to run. Thinking our tank would shoot first, I turned my camera on it. But the German shell struck first. An American was blown into the air. You can see him falling back on to the tank. One man from another American tank ran to help; another to get an ambulance. But in the tank all were dead. I needed that cognac."

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