King Leopold receives Address from Lord Mayor of London at Guildhall. King Leopold of the Belgians, who was making a State visit to England, received an Address of Welcome from the Corporation of the City of London, after driving in State through the streets to the Guildhall. The Lord Mayor, Sir Harry Twyford, presented the Address in a gold casket. Watched by city officials and members of the Cabinet. Photo shows, the Recorder of London (Judge Gerald Dobson) reading the Address of Welcome to the King of the Belgians. The Lord Mayor, Sir Harry Twyford, afterwards presented the Address in a gold casket. The City Sword and Mace are on the table. On right, seated, the Lady Mayoress, the Duke of Kent, Mr Neville Chamberlain (Premier) and Mrs Chamberlain. Behind members of the Cabinet, including Mr Leslie Hore Belisha, Mr WS Morrison. Cardinal Hinsley, is standing with them. Behind the premiere is M Paul Spaak, Foreign Minister of Belgium, and on right, Mr Anthony Eden. 17 November 1937

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