Soviet prepares rescue expeditions for scientist awaiting disaster on polar ice floe, planes and icebreakers. With almost certain disaster, overtaking the four Russian scientists who have been living on a polar ice floe since last May, the Soviet Government is already making preparations for rescue attempts in which planes and icebreakers, including the 'Krassin', are to take part. The scientist ice floe, 9 foot thick and 2 mi.簡 in area, has drifted nearly 700 miles from the North Pole since the Russians have lived on it, and experts are now fearful that they will be hurled to destruction on the dangerous coasts of North East Greenland with its masses of icebergs. The scientist on the ice are Ivan Papanin, leader, Eugene Federoff, meteorologist, Pyetr P Shirshov, hydrologist, and Ernest Krenkel, radio operator. Photo shows, a plane returning to the icebreaker 'Krassin' in the Arctic as she prepares to play her part in the rescue attempt. 27 December 1937

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