3000 Negroes in a religious frenzy, unique 24-hour services in Memphis. Packed tightly in a redbrick tabernacle in Memphis, Tennessee, 3000 Negroes gathered from all over the world to worship in a unique religious festival, the 30th annual Convention of the church of God in Christ. One moment seated calmly, worshippers would next be leaping and dancing in demonstrations are almost as wild as the rituals of African jungle savages. First, the 'spirit'would touch one man, then another and another until the whole congregation would be on his feet, stamping, screaming, shouting and dancing in a religious frenzy. Despite this, the service is sincere and members only dance when touched by the spirit. Smoking, drinking, gambling, bigamy and films are prohibited to members. Photo shows, the Negro preacher who also plays the guitar strums the instrument over his head, while others dance. During the dance one Negro shouted 'We'll dance and the corns will fall off our feet and de good lawd will raise art fallen arches'.. Original Caption:

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