Japanese girls submit to 2 hours agony for alluring coiffure. Few people who admire the beautiful hairdresses of Japanese girls realise the excruciating physical punishment they go through to obtain them. These pictures show the intricate processes which go to make the final effect, after two hours work on the part of the Kamiyuisan (hairdresser). The subject for the pictures, Adrienne Moore, and when the coiffure was finished she said that when reclining in a chair she felt as if Haskell was being told out and found that lying down was almost impossible. Another fact she discovered was that Japanese women do not need to have the lovely thick tresses which the hairdress implies. Much false hair is used as padding and when finished, the coiffure weighs about 10 pounds. The headdress shown is the 'Shimada', most beautiful of all hairstyles, which is worn for the last time when the girl marries. Photo shows, tying the hair with string into the necessary shapes. Not a single hairpin is used for fastening. After being shaped, the hair is combed for another 30 minutes.

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