Barron tells court of 'people I did away with' then escapes from Goal. Baron Bernard Sigoyer, who was accused in a Paris court of holding captive for a year, a wealthy Bulgarian tailor in the basement of his villa, the Red House in the Paris suburbs, to extort money from him, escaped from a State prison at Claremont, 100 miles from Paris, where he was awaiting the second part of his trial. Sigoyer escaped after breaking the lock of his cell door. With him was another prisoner, who is declared to be a criminal lunatic. When he was questioned about is money extortions, Sigoyer astonish the court by declaring 'I do not regard the crime of extortion, for which you have arrested me as amounting to anything. If you care to look further about the house and grounds, you will find many bodies of people I did away with' 13 October 1938

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