Soviet airmen back in Moscow after 16,000 miles trans Arctic flight. Enthusiastic Moscow citizens gathered at the Tushino aerodrome to welcome home the Soviet airmen who have just completed a remarkable 16,000 miles trans Arctic flight, another episode in the conquest of the Arctic regions. The flight was under the command of F B Fahrig, a well-known Soviet Arctic airmen, and the party included V A Patsinko, second pilot A P Shepenko, navigator M I Chagin and V A Demidov, the's and three passengers. Starting from Moscow, the plane flew east to Irkutsk, Siberia, the north-east through Yakutsk, up to the extreme north-eastern point of Siberia, Cape Dezhnev. The Flyers then Sam West and covered the entire Northern Sea Route, including Wrangel Island, Cape Cheluskin, Dixon Island and Archangel, back to Moscow. Photo shows, the scene as the Arctic Flyers were welcomed back to Moscow. 23 June 1937

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