John Drinkwater turns his London home into studio for Coronation film. Reversing the usual procedure, a film studio has been transferred to the London home of an author. The ground floor of Mr John Drinkwater's home in Maida Vale is being used to film is own scenario of Warner Brothers' Coronation film "The King's People". Mr Drinkwater and his wife and daughter Penny, are living upstairs. A recording van stands in the garage connected through the windows to a sound boom and microphone. The idea of the film is that a lot of Mr Drinkwater's friends, including Bernard Shaw, Sir Austen Chamberlain and Lady Astor, drop in and make suggestions while Mr Drinkwater is compiling a film panorama of Commonwealth history from historical newsreel shots. Photo shows: The scene in Mr John Drinkwater's film studio home - left to right - Penny Drinkwater, daughter of Mr Drinkwater, Miss Joyce Redman of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, John Drinkwater, and Mr John Stumar, the film director. 25 February 1937 [John Drinkwater dies in sleep at London home. John Drinkwater, the poet, has died in his sleep at the age of 54 at his London home. Only a few weeks ago Mr Drinkwater completed a Coronation, featuring himself, his family and his friends. 25 March 1937]

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