Fool-proof flights plane crashes at Gravesend Demonstration - pilot trapped in wreckage. The first demonstration in England of the Schelemusch, a Dutch light plane said to be full-proof, ended in a crash at Gravesend Aerodrome. The plane was piloted by Mr R. G. Doig who was injured. The machine was flying low and trying to make a sharp turn when it was caught by a gust of wind and completely wrecked. Mr Doig's leg was caught in the wreckage, the pilot having to wait until rescuers could extricate him. The Schelemusch [de Schelde Scheldemusch], a singles-seater, is fitted with a 40 horsepower twin cylinder engine of the "push" type. One of its unusual features is front wheel steering and brakes which enable it to be driven in and out of the hangar like a motor-car. Photo shows: spectators running through distance of the pilot as plane crashed. 5 March 1937

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