King Fuad of Egypt buried in Cairo . Dense crowds pack five mile route . Borne on a gun carriage drawn by six magnificent black horses through five miles of densely packed streets , the body of King Fuad of Egypt was taken with impressive oriental pomp from the Abdin Palace , the official residence , to the Rifai Mosque for burial in the mausaleum he prepared for himself years ago . As the cortege moved off , led by the Camel Corps , 21 minute guns sounded from the barracks and Egyptian Air Force planes roared overhead . Prince Mohammed Ali , the heir presumptive with members of the Royal Family and the Diplomatic corps followed the gun carriage . Photo shows , Prince Mohamed Aly , the heir presumptive , who has been appointed Chirf Regent to the boy king Farouk ( centre third from left ) following the gun carriage with Princess of the Royal Family and Aly Mohar Pashs , the Premier . 3 May 1936 . *** Local Caption ***

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