General Gamelin , French commander in chief reviews garrison at centre of French defences on frontier . General Gamelin , French commander in chief of the French army , inspected infantry and artillery of the Strasbourg Garrison when he visited the centre of the new line of French defences on the German frontier . During his visit General Gamelin said , ' When the trumpet sounds on the Rhine we shall remeber that we are Frenchman ' during his visit to the mighty fortifications stretching from Luxembourg to Switzerland . General Gamelin took part in services for war dead . In a speech he said ' Concious of our strength , secure in the subtle might of our fortifications today more than ever we should remeber my old master Joffre . To meditate and reflect in solitude on the eve of action that was the habit of Joffre . Geral Gamelin , attached to joffre ' s staff during the retreat of the French Army in 1914 , advised his chief to make a stand on the Marne . Photo shows , General Gamelin reviewing the Strasbourg Garrison accompanied by General Hering , military Governor of Strasbourg . 16 March 1936

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