A river cased in wood . harnessed waters open soviet territory to industry . Sprawling its massive way over the desolate plains of Soviet Kazakhstan - the autonomous republic which extends from the Caspian sea to the borders of Chinese Turkstan , an immense wooden conduit is opening up the gigantic territory to industry . Roaring within the great iron bound conduit are the waters of the Ulba , a mighty mountain river , which has been harnessed to provide power for the turbines of the electricity station at Bidder , one of the important centers of the Soviet non ferrous metal industry . Only a few years ago Kazahstan was mainly an agricultural territory with hardly any industries . Now huge coal fields have been opened up and industry threatens to supplant agriculture . Photo shows , the gigantic wooden iron bound conduit carrying the turbulent waters of the river Ulbs to the power station at Ridder , centre of the non ferrous metal industry in Soviet Kazakhstan . 9 July 1936 *** Local Caption ***

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