The Quins are two . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Although they have already figured in a dispute as to their guardianship , the quins are now wards of King Edward VIII . Photo shows , flat on her back on the nursery floor . Cecile seems disposed to greet her birthday with a storm of tears , certainly a strange thing for a grown up young lady of two ! . 26 May 1936 *** Local Caption ***

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